Sunday, August 16, 2009

Our brain at work

Obviously not fast enough. I almost spelled our with are.. what's going on?

Maybe it's the summer.

I was in search for the past tense of Lie.

I had an argument that Lay and Lie were spelled as just Lay.

Well Lay is Lay and Lie is Lie.

Ive never been downtown by myself.

I hate the life I live to be honest but I have the rest of my life to make it better.

Isn't it funny how priorities are always on our mind?

If we could just live then we would have all the time in the world to do what we love.

But since adam and eve, life will never be that simple.

From now on every Positive has a negative.

Ignorance will always be the evil.

The fight between knowledge and ignorance will continue til worlds end.

An ensemble of thoughts run through my mind.

And if I could find a different way to say this I would.

But then again I don't have to.

Because as long as you understand then I am assured the word will get out.

By the way when I publically speak, my mind goes blank.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hey there

So just some random umm writing of my own I guess haha enjoy :)

My house is on fire and the flames are so visible!
But I think my neighbors are Blind.
They don't call for help or offer a hand.
Its still burning, It has been for years.
I never thought I could last this long in the smoke of ashes, toxic air.
I think my neighbors have noticed because the flames have gotten louder
The burn marks on my skin are still there.
I say they're third degree, my dad says otherwise.
Finally, Im out of the house thats been on fire.
My new house is cold and cozy, just like my old house before mother died.
forest fire Pictures, Images and Photos